

Tetsuya Shiokawa

Graduating Kyoto University, BA in Law 1983, started career at Mitsui Co., Ltd, involved in trading of edible alcohol, molasses, dextrose etc. Visited 34 countries on business including training in the U.S. Fully exposed to “real frontline” of business, experiencing tough business like export dextrose to Iran.
Interested in corporate management, gained MBA at Harvard Business School in 1996.
Returning to Mitsui, involved in strategic investment of Foods Group of Mitsui, involved in M&A and subsidiaries control.
In 2000, joined GE Capital, involved in M&A and in 2006 became Board Member & Deputy President at GE Fleet Services as head of sales & marketing.
2007-Nov. 2019, Xerox Corporation as Executive Director in Japan, in parallel, acting as Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Fuji Xerox, involved in overall management of the company.
Leveraging on experience in both Japanese and global companies, gaining capabilities of global strategy and management and leadership, strongly interested in growing next generation of whole-person leaders, involved in founding Shizenkan University in 2017~18.

Other Affiliations

Former Executive Director, Japan, Xerox Corporation
Former Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Fuji Xerox
External Board of Director, Waibi Co., Ltd.
NASC International Co., Ltd. Executive Advisor

Area of Expertise

Business Strategy, Global Strategy and Management


Global Management: Strategy, Organization and Leadership
Research Seminar for Individual Projects (Organizational Development& Strategy)



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