

Mikio Yamamoto

Started his business career in Fuji Xerox as a research engineer in R&D department, recognized issues regarding “technology and management” and moved to A.T. Kearney. After three years, established an incubator and supported five technology ventures for developing business plans and funding from VCs. Returned to A.T. Kearney and engaged more than 500 projects as a principal for about 16 years regarding various management issues mainly for high-tech and automotive industries.
Since 2018, became a part-time consultant for A.T. Kearney, and an advisor for Nippon Human Resources, Co., Ltd., funded by the Japanese government, which accelerates local economies in Japan.
Personally, established NPO KIDS for handicapped children in 1992, providing various opportunities for them to attend social activities, and continues to lead the organization as a managing director.

Other Affiliations

Specially appointed professor, Shinshu University
Managing director, NPO KIDS

Area of Expertise

Corporate management, management strategy, business creation and innovation


Business Plan and Entrepreneurship
Future Perspectives: Methods and Practices
Research Seminar for Individual Projects (Business Strategy)

